To bring happiness and support to children battling cancer

NCCF is a child-focused, Christian based 501(c)(3) non profit organization that seeks to bring love and light to the children battling cancer.


Hospitals do provide an array of resources and activities, however, there are times when children are under isolation or too ill to leave their room.

NCCF focuses on providing these special cases with care packages, aka Warrior Packs. These aren’t ordinary activity packs! Your donation helps us provide EXTRAordinary items to these brave children like gaming systems, toys, books, electronics and more.

Since Nathaniel’s Childhood Cancer Foundation’s establishment we have helped by providing:

64+ Warrior Packs

134+ Sibling Protector Packs

10+ Divine Orca Packs

We Wrote a Book!

We want to share the hope of Jesus with children battling cancer and their families. Cancer is a scary journey to embark on and we desperately want kids to know that even though they can’t physically see Jesus, he is always right beside them

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Meet Nathaniel

Nathaniel Hayden Joseph Peña was just an average little boy. He was witty, funny, smart and handsome. He loved his dogs, video games and orca whales. In August of 2011, Nathaniel was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at the young age of 7.


Gaming until a Cure

The Divine Orca Program

This program is designed specially for Warriors under long term isolation protocols. Due to the Warrior’s inability to interact, a gaming sytem will be provided for the Warriors to play while confined to their hospital room. This program does require an oncologist, social worker, or child life specialist referral.

“Every Child battling cancer receives a warrior pack filled with their favorite things."

— Nathaniel’s Childhood Cancer Foundation Vision Statement


Make a donation.

Your donation helps to provide Warrior Packs to children battling cancer.


NCCF is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that focuses on providing these special cases with care packages, aka Warrior Packs. These aren’t ordinary activity packs! Your donation helps us provide EXTRAordinary items to these brave children like gaming systems, electronics and more.


Check Out our Mural!

The mural is officially done! We are so glad that we could honor some of our local warriors with this beautiful masterpiece.

We would like to thank Brandt Woods for his design, time, expertise, and for bringing our dreams to life. Brandt, you touched a lot of hearts.

Check out our Mural in Downtown Safford!