We Wrote a Book!

Soooo…..we did a thing and wrote a book. We want to share the hope of Jesus with children battling cancer and their families. Cancer is a scary journey to embark on and we desperately want kids to know that even though they can’t physically see Jesus, he is always right beside them. While putting this book together Tajma and I talked about how if this book impacts and supports just one family, then it was all worth it. Jesus is our only hope in this very broken world. He can be your hope as well. You just have to ask him.

This story isn’t exactly how Nathaniel’s journey went, but we did include the doctors and nurses in our lives at the time. Dr. Keith, Dr. Williams and Nurse Sharon were with him through it all. They were there through every laugh and every tear. They are so special and need to be recognized. Beautiful Leila was included because I so badly wish Nathaniel and I could have met her. Leila also battled this horrible disease and we hope to carry on her memory in this book and every other one we write.

All proceeds go directly to our foundation. You can purchase this book at Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

As always thank you for all the love and support.